Dir' V1-M

Dir’ V1-M



This option is for company use of Directions across multiple company sites and includes the following:

Novel inkjet

patent reviews

Inkjet industry & market news

Inkjet R&D


  • A year’s worth of bimonthly emailed .pdf files of all patent-based inkjet technology reviews
  • Subscription starts from the most recently published issue, unless otherwise agreed
  • 22-24 pages (A4-size) of reviews per issue (180 pages per year)
  • This product also includes a 2-page inkjet industry news section
  • A trusted patent filtering and final review selection process is applied which has been evolved over the past 20 years
  • As with all the Directions product options, key illustrations from patents are incorporated in the reviews to help explain the key points and provide greater insight.
  • Care is taken to maximise image quality and patent legibility
  • Typically an original patent document is 30-50 pages long
  • Key points are condensed to a 500-800 word review, depending on patent length and content
  • Often more than one patent from a company on a given inventive idea is published in a given 2-month period. In some of these cases patents are helpfully grouped to convey a more complete picture
black magnifying glass on white paper

Example Content

Take a look at the example content featuring in Directions Inkjet Patent Reviews in this brochure available for download: